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Clean Water For People

Clean Water For People

Water is an Essential basic necessity for growth and development. RAH aims to support through providing accessible good drinking water for impoverished communities for the well-being of inhabitants.

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Education for Everyone

Education for Everyone

Children are the future leaders and quality education helps solidify this expectation. Children who are well educated exude confidence in their communication, become national asset, become better citizens, get a better-paid job, etc. which leads...

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Books for Every Child

Books for Every Child

Academic knowledge can not be separated from books. As an organization, we aim to provide educational materials such as books to students to better enhance their studies. Students cannot be enrolled in school without providing them the...

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Clothing to Every Child

Clothing to Every Child

At RiseAboveHope, we turn unwanted shoes and clothing into opportunity by keeping them from going to waste and putting them to good use. We aim to provide basic needs such as shoes and clothes to young people. Support this cause by providing us...

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